
Welcome to our consulting firm, founded by Devin Clarke and Laura Arriaga. We specialize in providing low voltage assessment and consulting services to clients across various industries, with an additional focus on electric vehicle charger installation.

With over 25 years of experience in the industry, Devin Clarke is a seasoned expert in low voltage systems, having worked on numerous projects in both the public and private sectors. His expertise has been honed through years of hands-on experience and dedication to providing exceptional service to his clients.

Co-founder Laura Arriaga brings strong business acumen and a customer-focused approach to the company. Her experience in customer service and project management has been instrumental in ensuring that we consistently deliver on our promise to provide high-quality services that meet our clients’ needs.

Since our journey began in 2020 from a small desk in a rural home in Georgia, we have completed 68 successful projects, and our reputation for excellence continues to grow. We take pride in our ability to provide customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each of our clients, while always adhering to the highest standards of professionalism and ethics.

At our consulting firm, we are committed to providing our clients with exceptional service and expert guidance throughout every step of their low voltage assessment and electric vehicle charger installation projects. We believe that our success is directly tied to the success of our clients, and we are dedicated to helping them achieve their goals through our expert consulting services.

Leading the Charge

3 Link Consulting offers Feasibility Studies that assess the existing infrastructure of your project, determine the most cost-effective locations, and provide general contracting services to facilitate a turnkey installation of your Level 2 and Level 3 EV charging solutions. This service becomes increasingly important as the world shifts towards hybrid and electric transportation.


Infrastructure Feasibility Studies

By providing clear information on liability issues related to Life Safety/Low Voltage Systems, as well as identifying existing infrastructure on-site that can support EV Charging, we can help clients mitigate liability exposure and preserve their capital.


Our Vision

“Empowering clients to achieve their goals through innovative and reliable consulting services, while fostering a safer and more sustainable future for all.”

Our Solution

With our on-site proprietary documentation process, 3 Link Consulting provides clients with a comprehensive evaluation of their Life Safety, Low Voltage, and EV Charging Systems. Our thorough analysis assesses the condition, quantity, and ownership value of these systems, enabling our clients to make informed decisions about how to improve and optimize their property’s infrastructure. By identifying potential safety hazards, equipment deficiencies, and ownership issues, we empower clients to implement effective solutions that not only ensure compliance with regulatory requirements but also improve safety and functionality while reducing overall risk.

Main Initiative

"Connecting safety, technology, and efficiency with 3 Link Consulting."

Our main goal is to provide clients with a simplified and straightforward understanding of complex due diligence related to Life Safety/Low Voltage Technology and EV Charging Feasibility. By assessing liability issues associated with Life Safety/Low Voltage Systems and qualifying on-site infrastructure that can support EV Charging, we help clients reduce their liability exposure, increase leverage at closing, and make informed decisions that align with their goals. We also prioritize actual cost of ownership analysis to ensure that clients have a realistic understanding of the long-term financial impact of their infrastructure investments. By prioritizing clear and concise communication in all our services, we empower clients to make informed decisions that not only preserve their capital but also optimize the functionality and safety of their properties.

Meet Our Professionals

We Have The Expert Team

We Are Here To Help You

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